Your Body (Type) Says It All

Your Body (Type) Says It All

Knowing your body type can help you out in so many ways. It can help you know what works for your body and what doesn’t: stretching, warming up, eating habits, flexibility, etc.

Ectomorph: If you’re an ectomorph like me, you can eat a lot and not gain weight. Your posture isn’t always the best, you can maintain flexibility over physical endurance, and you get cold easily. However, don’t be fooled. Just because stretching is easier for you than running laps around the studio, you SHOULD be running laps. Do the opposite of what you’re inclined to do will be the most beneficial for your body.

Mesomorph: If you’re a mesomorph, you have to have a balanced diet in order to not gain weight. You maintain your physical endurance over flexibility. You are inclined to run laps instead of stretching, however, you SHOULD be stretching in the studio for your overall benefit.

Endomorph: If you’re an endomorph, you have to constantly diet in order to not gain weight. A combination of cardio and weights are most beneficial physical training. Stretching and laps will be helpful in the dance studio.

It is helpful to know that what you’re inclined to do is the opposite of what you should do. If you gravitate towards sitting on the floor to stretch, get up and run a few laps around the studio. If you love laps, go to the barre and stretch. Be honest with yourself, know your body, and help yourself to get the most out of your time in the studio.

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